Monday, October 13, 2008

New York, NY's been a while since I paid a visit to my own blog to create a post. I've just been so busy with school and work and applying like crazy to magazines that its become so overwhelming leaving me with no time to keep up with this, but I'm trying!

I was in New York on the 3rd and being in the city was great, I absolutely loved it. Although those who know me, know my absolute favorite city is the city of angles, I have always had an infatuation with NYC. See, I love being in California specifically L.A. because of the environment and the scene and I just have so many great memories of the place that it has a special spot in my heart. I'm not a fan of the people though...everyone is going for the same thing, making it difficult to stand out and there's nothing but blond, skinny tanned chicks with over sized Channel shades (how predictable) around town. On the other hand, New York City has the coolest most different style compared to L.A. When I was there, I people watched more than anything. New Yorkers are so independent style-wise and are already wearing their trench coats, knee-high boots and thick sweaters-I love it! The weather was super cold compared to here though, which I totally went unprepared for.

I resorted to L.A. in the first place since I didn't get into FIT... blah blah blah, I left to Cali but I secretly always wanted to be in New York. I think I never voiced it simply because for some reason I always thought of it as something impossible to do, I mean going to school there is a million times more expensive and although it's only about 4 hours from here I just always thought of it as "oh maybe one day, I think, possibly, maybe, hopefully?? but who knows because I already have plans set in stone to move back to L.A." sort of thing. Being there again made every aspiration I ever had about being in design school in the city come back again, it was a nostalgic feeling. I think one day though, I'll probably become bi-coastal and have two fabulous places in both cities...who knows, lately it seems that everything I wish for has been coming true :)

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